Let us think for you. Together, we'll build a reference work with the appropriate process to achieve better results.
Planning is the process where we analyze, think, and rethink, to organize our actions in the smallest details so that everything happens in due time. This planning results in complying with your requests on scheduled date and quantities.
The production of seedlings in vitro is done on meristem basis and other parts that allow the possibility of propagation of the matrix plants. In this tissue are meristematic cells where growth and propagation maintain the same characteristics of the matrix plant.
In vitro production may also be based on seeds, having greater control of the future plant.
The production of the seedling on trays consists of ensuring the proper development and acclimatization of the seedlings (in vitro) to the external environment, making them more resistant to environmental variations.
The products may be commercialized in vitro, trays and pot 09. We assure total quality in transportation and the care with your product.
Get the results of our intention to always do the best. This is our commitment to you. Your feedback is very important to us.
We engage and take care of the details to make it just the way you would like to receive. This is our rule: Do to the others what they want to be done to them.
Because it is a more developed plant, cultivation and care with it becomes more efficient and minimizes the risk of loss.
Because it is a more developed plant, cultivation and care with it becomes more efficient and minimizes the risk of loss.